Cyber Crimes Lawyer
Cyber crimes are becoming more prevalent in this digital age, leading to more innocent people being wrongly accused.
If you have an internet crime case against you, hiring a cyber crimes lawyer is essential to clear your name in court.
Paul Doyle & Associates, P.C., has been fighting cyber crimes in Houston, TX, for over 10 years and can protect your rights.
What Is a Cyber Crime?
According to the Texas Penal Code
Internet crimes refer to several established criminal acts that may be committed with new technology and the internet. The Texas Penal code includes:
- Online harassment.
- Tampering with electronic voting results.
- Online solicitation of a minor.
- Online solicitation of a prostitute.
With the growth of technology today, the internet and computer networks have increasingly been used to commit computer crimes. The laws in Texas, including identity theft and solicitation of a minor, have been placed in a gray area due to the anonymity provided to users of new technology. As your criminal defense attorney, Paul can navigate these gray areas to reach a fair conclusion for your case.
5-Star Review From a Houston, TX, Client
"Paul Doyle and Associates are extremely professional and always willing to help. They helped my father and I through a case and although the case was very daunting, they worked with us and made sure we got through it unscathed. I am very grateful for their excellent hard work that got us the result we wanted. Cant recommend them enough!"
— Aqib Choudhry
Common Cyber Crimes Paul Doyle Has Defended

Cyber Bullying
In 2003, Texas established using another person’s identity to create false profiles and pose as them an illegal act, both on the internet and through text messages. A person who poses as another on the internet can be charged with fraud or cyber bullying, given that there was intent to cause harm. Being accused of cyber bullying or online harassment is a serious matter. Penalties can range from a Class A misdemeanor to a third-degree felony. Seek criminal defense immediately if you have been charged.

Child Pornography
The internet has facilitated the distribution of child pornography. As a result, law enforcement agencies have developed “sting” operations to catch buyers and sellers. Officers will pose as interested buyers or distributors of child pornography and use the information gained to identify those actually in possession of the pornographic material. The consequences of a child pornography charge can be severe. Defenses are available to those unaware that their downloaded or shared images were child pornography. Regardless, if you have been charged with possession of child pornography, you should seek legal help immediately.

Solicitation of a Minor
In 2003, Attorney General Greg Abbott established a Cyber Crimes Unit, primarily to catch child predators online. Law enforcement officers pose as minors in online chat rooms to obtain a solicitation of a minor charge, even on adults-only, sexually-oriented websites. Officers, some of whom are experts at identifying lonely or unaware individuals, attempt to instigate a statement “to solicit or entice” a meeting or sexual conduct. Unexpectedly, an individual may be facing a felony charge, which entails prison time and possible lifetime registration as a sexual predator. Cases may be brought against persons who lacked intent to engage in any activity, believing their conduct to be an anonymous internet fantasy. If you’re facing a charge of solicitation of a minor, you will need a defense lawyer to present your case.

AI Deepfakes
As of 2023, there are two Texas laws prohibiting the production and distribution of deepfake videos, videos that appear to depict a real person performing an action that did not occur in reality. Deepfake videos that are illegal to create or distribute include pornographic material and videos used in the political arena. If you have been charged with creating or distributing deepfakes, contact an attorney. An Unlawful Production or Distribution of Certain Sexually Explicit Videos or True Source of Communications charge can result in a Class A misdemeanor.

Identity Theft
Identity theft is the use of someone else's personal identifying information. It can occur for a variety of reasons, like applying for credit, filing taxes, or receiving medical care. However, you may have used someone else's identifying information without intending to defraud or cause harm. For example, maybe your friend asked you to use their debit card to make a withdrawal from the bank. Identity theft is a felony in Texas and can result in paying restitution to the victim, so put a lawyer on your side to mitigate any consequences.

Other Cyber Crimes
As your criminal defense attorney, Paul is prepared to defend you against various internet crimes, including those listed above and internet fraud charges. The investigation is critical regarding internet crimes. Innocent people may easily be prosecuted for crimes they didn’t commit, and actual perpetrators are often hard to find. As your attorney, Paul works to analyze the details of each case to marginalize the possible consequences of a wrongful internet fraud conviction.

Are You Innocent?
Hire a Defense Lawyer Who Understands Your Situation
Technology has digitized much of our personal and confidential information, making it easier for criminals to access. As technology becomes more complex and more information is posted on the internet, many people may face serious allegations for what they post online. With the use of technology, criminal acts can be committed from a distance—and quickly, too.
The anonymity of the internet has allowed those who commit illegal acts to operate in relative safety while at the same time allowing innocent people to appear knowingly involved or even responsible. Tracking down the party engaged in the illegal activity can be extremely difficult. When embarrassed victims hesitate to report the crime, the investigation becomes complicated.
If you have been a victim of fraud and are facing a charge, contact a lawyer to help your case. Paul is a criminal defense lawyer who has years of experience defending victims of internet crimes and clients who are falsely accused. Request a free consultation to begin clearing your name of false allegations. Call our Houston, TX, office at:
(713) 228-9200
"Truly a man of high character."
"Paul and his team went above and beyond in their representation of me. I applaud Paul for his professionalism and integrity. He was able to see through the lies and politics, and made sure the D.A understood the truth in regards to my case. I urge all of you to call Paul before hiring an attorney. You will not be disappointed. To this day I can text Paul and get a response within an hour. Truly a man of high character." KINCAIDE, 5-Star Review
Why Choose Paul Doyle and Associates? Strong Representation in Houston
Free Consultations
Paul Doyle and Associates offers free consultations to individuals facing criminal charges. It costs you nothing to see if there's anything our lawyers can do to help your situation. Reach out to our Houston defense attorney office to get started.
A Team of Dedicated Attorneys
Paul Doyle and Trevor Sharon combine their knowledge of criminal defense to provide Houston clients with strong representation, no matter their charges. Our lawyers have represented several high-profile cases involving celebrities and athletes, and they bring that level of dedication to every case.
Small Caseloads
Our attorneys limit the number of cases they take. If we take your case, we will dedicate the time and attention it deserves. As we work, we'll keep you updated on the status of your case and give you access to our direct line if you have any questions.
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Excellent Service 10/10 Recommend. You will not be disappointed with the outcome of your case! Trevor Sharon Is THE BEST #1 ! Criminal Justice Lawyer In Houston Hands Down! Guaranteed 100%
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